Sightseeing & Things to Do in Rishikesh

Rishikesh is town located in the Northern India. It is in Dehradun district kin Uttarakhand state. The name Rishikesh refers to the Lord of senses. The town generally means Lord Vishnu. It is below the Himalayan ranges and is the main entry point to the main tourist attraction for Hindu pilgrimages. These are the Badrinath, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Yamunotri.  The tourist attraction center lies at an approximate height of about 1,700 feet high. Rishikesh is also approximately 25 kilometers from Hardwar. It is usually referred to as the world yoga centre. This is because Rishikesh has multiple yoga centers all over. They provide yoga instructors for guests. It is viewed as a meditation site by many people. Is has a river that flows through the whole town. The Rishikesh River provides water to the whole town. It originates at a point referred to as Shivalik in the deep Himalayan ranges. This river is also a major tourist attractor.

This is due to the Rishikesh river rafting that takes place yearly. Rishikesh has multiple tourist attraction centers. The yoga and meditation centers are the main one. The Rishikesh weather is also friendly. The Rishikesh climate can be termed as continental.  Lying below the Himalayan ranges, Rishikesh experiences three main seasons. They are summer, winter and monsoon. The summer occurs between the months of March to September. This is the main season for Rishikesh river rafting activities. Other activities that tourists engage in are hiking and Rishikesh bungee jumping. Rishikesh has the first bungee jumping site in the history of India. The winters are perfect for Rishikesh mountain watching and snow watch.  They occur between the months of November and February. The monsoons are however not very friendly as the rains are very heavy.  They happen in the month of September.

Popular Places to Visit in Rishikesh 

Rishikesh River Rafting

Rishikesh River Rafting

River rafting is a main tourist attraction activity in Rishikesh.  The town is located in an ideal position for this. There are Rivers and forest streams. Most of them originate from the Himalayas while others are as a result of glacier Lakes melting during summer. White water rafting is the best of all rafting activities. They cover an approximate distance of ten kilometers. The main River where rafting occurs is the River Ganges. The river also referred to as the water of wisdom has five rafting courses.  The easiest are for novices and upgrade all the way to experts. The distance starts from Bramhapuri to Rishikesh.  The other main river where rafting activities happen is the Shivpuri River. It is 18 kilometers from Rishikesh.

The river rafting comes with provisions by the tour packages.  They offer rating guides. This is to help the tourists through the River course. There are also camp sites. The main camp is referred to as Ganga camp site.  The site offers the main River rafting facilities. They also provide camp site food and accommodation. Other games like river side golf, Riverside volleyball and cliff jumping are also carried out. The best months for River rafting trips are between February and July and September to December.  While rafting in Rishikesh, one enjoys a great scene of other great sites. This includes the multiple yoga centers, the great Hindu pilgrimages temples and canoe river trips. One can also witness the Hindu believers taking holy dips in the great Ganges River. Ghats bathing is another major activity.

Ashram Rishikesh

Rishikesh Ashram

This is a Rishikesh educational institute. It has been constructed on the banks of the holy Ganga River. The main Hindu specialties taught in this centre include Vedanta and Sanskrit. Ashram Rishikesh was founded in the 60s’. it was begun by the most famous teacher of the Vedanta. He was known by the name Swami Dayananda.  The location of Ashram Rishikesh is the same as that of the Hindus holy temple of Lord Shiva. There is a large library for reference to the two specialties and other general knowledge of the school. Though the school itself is away from the other main attraction sites, the Ashram Rishikesh halls face the mighty River Ganga. This offers a serene environment for learners.

It is also an ideal location for other short courses offered like yoga and meditation. Vedic chanting is the other course offered in the Ashram institution. The institution offers accommodation to only people who are interested in learning either of the two main specialties. It is not regarded as a tourist center of attraction, but as an educational institution. The location and its rich history is what attract people to the area. Most of the people who flock this area are the Hindu pilgrimages and the interested scholars of Vedanta and Sanskrit. The Hindu pilgrimages pass through this point as they go to pay respect and offer prayers at the temple of Lord Shiva in the region. Accommodation is available in other Rishikesh hotels and resorts closely located.

Rishikesh River

Rishikesh River

The main river in Rishikesh is the mighty Ganges also known as Ganga. The River flows from the Himalayas at a point referred to as Shivalik. It flows to the North of India. The River is a border between India and Bangladesh. The River ends at the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. The great Rishikesh River is approximately above 2,500 kilometers long. It is the main source of water both for domestic use and irrigation for many Rishikesh residents.  The river has the largest canal worldwide. It is a major tourist attraction site in Rishikesh. The river is mainly toured during the Rishikesh rafting seasons. The rough and bumpy river course allows for white water rafting.  The river is considered as sacred by the Hindu. They carry out very important rituals on this river. The Hindu pilgrimages bath in this river for cleansing.

On the banks of the great Ganges, there are many historical structures. These have a great significance to the people of Rishikesh. The structures include the Kashi, Munger and Kara. They signify the earlier history of Rishikesh. The river has above one hundred fish types. Fishing is at times done for fun in the river. The Rishikesh tour packages provide the necessary equipments for this activity. There are also a large diverse number of the amphibians in the river. Rishikesh River has Yamuna as the main tributary.  Along the river banks, one can find the best yoga and meditation centers. There are also camp centers provided at the safe grounds by the Rishikesh packages.

Rishikesh Yoga

Rishikesh Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual practice for relaxing and stabilizing the minds of the person who is practicing. Yoga was started by the Indians and was then known as Samadhi. There are very many yoga schools in Rishikesh. The main Rishikesh yoga centers include the Rishikesh Yog Peeth. This is the main yoga center in the banks of river Ganges.  It is an NGO center. The main language used is English. There are Rishikesh yoga festivals held every February. Yoga study center is also a major yoga study center. They use English as the teaching language. The center is separate from other ashram centers in Rishikesh.  Yoga Niketan Ashram teaches yoga using the local Indian language. it is located serene environment for  meditation. The other major center is the Swati Rajiv Chanchani yoga center. The center is located near Rishikesh Haridwar.

There is also the Swami Dayananda Ashram, the Maharish Mahanesh Yogi and Ayurvedic center and the Shrived Niketan ashram. Most of the yoga centers are along the Ganges River banks. They offer and create a great meditation environment.  Accommodation is however not always provided in the centers. They offer yoga at different levels. For starters, there is level one yoga and the highest is level fourteen.  The yoga centers main hall and lecture rooms face the river course. The Omkarananda is the one and only yoga center that offers yoga classes and accommodation. Food is also available at this center. Practicing Rishikesh yoga is ideal due to the towns location and the friendly Rishikesh weather.

Rishikesh Camping

Rishikesh Camping

This is a great attractor for many Rishikesh tourists. The area has multiple camps. The camps range from jungle camps to beach and river side camps. The Rishikesh tour packages provide good information on these camps, depending on the main activity one want to impose themselves in.  They also provide camping facilities and equipments. The most outstanding Rishikesh camps are the Marine Camp. This is located along the River Ganges banks’. It is approximately twenty four kilometers away from Rishikesh.  This camp in Rishikesh is frequented due to its ideal location. It is a river rafting camp. Other activities offered include the river crossing, repelling, bungee jumping and river crossing. Rishikesh Beach camp offers tents, camp beds and kitchens. The activities offered in this camp include the beach volleyball, river rafting, bird watch, rock climbing and mountain biking.

Other major camps include the Shivpuri Beach Camp that is located seventeen kilometers away from the Rishikesh. It offers beach volleyball among other common activities.  The Luxury Jungle camp and the Brahmpuri beach camp are located approximately three kilometers away from Rishikesh.  They offer biking, cliff jumps, body surfing, bird watch, bungee jumping, bird watch, river crossing and nature walks. Guides are provided in all the camps. Camping being a common practice in Rishikesh, most tourist flock this area. The best months to visit and engage in camp activities are during summer seasons.  The weather at this time is usually warm and sunny. It makes it possible to engage in the outdoor camp activities.

Bungee Jumping

Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping Rishikesh is one of the major sport and tourist attractor to Rishikesh. The sport is a thrilling experience to the jumpers. It was developed by a New Zealand citizen by the name David Allardice. The Indian country t date still avails New Zealand jump experts to run the game, in order to provide safety to the tourists. This sport involves one jumping from higher height in to the Ganges or created platforms around the river. The best and well established bungee jumping spot in Rishikesh is at a location called Shivapuri. This is very close to Rishikesh.  The jumpers are let down from as high as eighty three meters (83) up.

For bungee, the jump involves one being tied with strong chain on a jumping platform, then let down to a lower platform. The landing platform is approximately two meters depth in the River Ganges. The side bank cafeterias offer drinks to jumpers. They also give photos and videos of a person jumping activity.  All the jumpers are awarded with certificated.  Other sports similar to Rishikesh bungee jumping include the fox jump and swing. Fox jump is more similar to bungee jumping, only that a jumper’s legs are tied and they are let down head first, without a platform. The tied end is then pulled up by operated metal machines, after the maximum stretch.  The swing provides a sitting platform for jumpers. These thrilling sports provide a chance for one to view Rishikesh from an elevated ground. Though scary, the sport is becoming popular in Rishikesh.



This is one of the most visited places in Rishikesh. The town that is located in Uttarakhand is considered a holy city. This is because; the Ganges river separates to join the plains from the mountain region at this town. The separation point holds clear water. This water is considered holy and used for cleansing of sins and other important rituals. The Haridwar Rishikesh tours offer a visit to this Hindi pilgrimage town.  This is because Haridwar is a religious center. It has the most important Hindu temples. The largest religious festival known as Kumbh Mela is held in this town. It happens after every three years and is attended by a large number of believers.  Being close to the Himalaya ranges, Haridwar experiences three seasons. The summer is characterized by hot sun, the winter is usually freezing and the monsoons are heavy rainfall seasons. The ideal time to visit Haridwar is during the summer seasons.

The most attractive centers in Haridwar include the Bharat Mandir temple. This is the oldest temple in the area. Others include the Chandi Devi temple that was built in 1992. It was built by Suchat Singh. It sits on the Eastern side of the River Ganga banks. The Har Ki Pauri that lies between the mountain and the plain is another major tourist center. It is where the river course goes in to the plains. The Hindu ritual and offering happen every morning at this junction. Mansa temple is also located in Haridwar. A bird sanctuary at this temple is he major tourist attractor. Migratory birds rest at this point every migration season.

Important Hotels and Resorts in Rishikesh

Hotel Ganga Beach Resort Haridwar Rishikesh

This is one of the best hotels in Rishikesh. It is located on a hilltop on the North of Himalayas. The resort offers a great view of the Himalayan ranges and the River Ganges. The prestigious resort has the best multi-cuisine restaurant.  There is a large and spacious conference hall. The hall is fitted with the modern technology gadgets and meeting facilities. There is a twenty four hour room service, laundry services, and internet connection in all rooms, TVs and indoor games. Doctors are always availed as per request. The Ganga resort has the best spa in Rishikesh. They have five spas. These are health spa, a beauty spa, a medical spa, a resort spa and a day spa. The spas have well trained professionals who offer treatment and therapies.  Yoga and meditation are offered here. The resort offers other packages like wedding packages, honeymoon packages and group packages. Camping, hiking, climbing and rafting are the main outdoor activities.

Rishikesh Valley

Rishikesh Valley

The Rishikesh resort is built on the country side. Is has been constructed using natural local materials like wood, the local grass, local sand and clay. This place gives the Rishikesh tourists a natural feel of the cool country side away from noisy towns. There are waterfalls around this resort. The accommodation is provided in the local huts style. They offer modern toilets and bathrooms. All the huts have viewing verandas. This overlooks the great forests. The resort has one of the best Rishikesh spas. The spa specializes in detoxification, yoga and therapy. They also offer the Indian Ayurved spa and massage. Other facilities offered in the resort includes indoor games, a library, rental cars and taxis, travel desks, laundry services and travel desks.  They offer the Rishikesh rafting package.  Rafting along the Rishikesh Rivers is availed during the ideal Rishikesh rafting seasons. Jungle trekking and walks are availed in the resort.  Other facilities activities offered include climbing with experienced guides, yoga classes and meditation rooms.

Ganga Kinare Rishikesh Hotel

This hotel is located opposite the Rajaji national park. It is also opposite the Ganges River. It is accessible through the Jolly Grant airport and the Haridwar railway. The closest station is at the Laxman Jhula railway station. The hotel has thirty eight rooms, with deluxe and semi-deluxe settings. The rooms are traditionally decorated. They offer a paranoiac view of the Shivalik hills, the River Ganges, the forested area and the Himalayan hills. The services offered include twenty four hour room services, hot and cold water, mini non-alcoholic room bars, tea/coffee makers and multi-channel TVs. The hotel has a river side dining restaurant. It offers a good view of the river as one enjoys the Indian delicacies. The outdoor activities offered include white water rafting, migratory bird watching, tour to the national park, trekking and swimming. Temple and Ashram tours can also be arranged.  Yoga and meditation are offered in the spa.

Camp Rishikesh

Camp Rishikesh

Rishikesh has multiple modern camps. These are well constructed and fitted with modern equipments and facilities. Most of the camps and tents are along the banks of River Ganges. This offers an ideal view of the river and its surrounding. Camping in Rishikesh is made easier since the Rishikesh tour packages avail all the camping facilities. They also offer camp guides. Some of the best Rishikesh camps that are well located and outstanding include the Shivpuri Beach Camp. This camp bears a name meaning Lord Shiva. The camp is approximately seventeen kilometers away from Rishikesh. It is in the Shivpuri town, popular for its many temples.  The camp offers apart from rafting, activities like yoga classes, jungle walks and treks, beach volleyball and meditation centers. Another major Rishikesh camp is the Brahmpuri beach camp. This is located approximately twelve kilometers away from Rishikesh.

The camp offers the best local dishes, well-furnished camp. Camp guides and sleeping facilities. It is the best camp for yoga and meditation practices. River rafting and treks are availed. Other major Rishikesh camps include the Jungle camp, the School summer camp, the Devprayag camp, the Marine beach camp and the Luxury jungle camp. All these camps are known for their best and ideal location.  They have yoga and meditation grounds. The treks and jungle walks are common. Beach games such as volleyball are facilitated. The camps have well trained guides.  Most camping arrangement are made by popular resorts and Rishikesh hotels. They offer all the necessary facilities.

The Glass House Rishikesh

The Glass House Rishikesh

It has around fifteen rooms. All the rooms have modern technology and first class amenities. All the rooms bear names similar to all the holy rivers of India.  The room services provided in this hotel are inclusive of twenty four  hour room service, hot and cold water throughout, sight seeing packages that can be arranged prior or when already booked in and an outdoor and in-house restaurant. The hotel being located on a holy River offers only food for vegetarian diets. They do not avail non-vegetarian cuisines. The hotel offers a perfect site of the holy River. One can see the Hindu pilgrimages perform rituals like the diving in to the River Ganges for cleansing.  The Rishikesh sightseeing packages arranged from this hotel includes the jungle walks, Ashram tours and tours around the Rishikesh or the neighboring region. Glass house Rishikesh also has a beach. This offers activities like sunbathing, beach games and also tropical gardens. Fishing in the Rishikesh water is allowed only with permits from authorities. They offer water skiing, water rafting and bird watching in their packages. Many tourist touring Rishikesh opt to stay in the Rishikesh glass house, since it’s an attraction site serving as a hotel.

Ananda Spa Resort Rishikesh

Ananda Rishikesh spa resort is the first spa resort in India. It lies at an altitude of approximately 21, 000 feet high. It was a former residence of Maharaja. It is sixteen kilometer from Rishikesh. The spa resort has rooms. They have deluxe, semi-deluxe, villas, deluxe suites and guest rooms. The hotel offers a spa, a gym, health clubs and yoga and meditation center. They offer a twenty four hour room service, hot and cold water all through and well modernly equipped room amenities. The resort has several programs offered. These include cooking lessons, Vedanta classes, yoga and meditation training. Activities for one to engage in include nature walks, pilgrim tours, treks, river rafting and climbing. The resort spa has two major restaurants. The tree top restaurant offers Indian, Western and Asian cuisines. It is on top of a tree. The pavilion restaurant is a joint for snacks and light drinks.  Ananda spa resort can be generally termed as a wellness center.

Best Season to Visit Rishikesh

The Rishikesh town is located below the Himalayan ranges. It is at an altitude of approximately 500 meters high. Its location largely influences the climatic and weather conditions of this place. The climate is largely continental. The Rishikesh weather is well defined by its’ main season.  It experiences four main seasons at specific times. The summer season occurs between the month of March and June.  The main characteristic at this time is sunny days and hot weather. The maximum summer temperatures are approximately thirty to thirty five degrees Celsius. This is the ideal season for most outdoor activities like camping, trekking and climbing. The winter season begins in the month of November and prevails until February. The season has cold days and chilly nights. The maximum temperatures recorded are twenty five degrees Celsius. The minimum temperatures can be below freezing point.  The season is ideal for snow viewing, though it is not a prominent activity in this region. Monsoons happen in the month of September. There is a large rainfall downpour at this season.  The last season is the autumn. It occurs after the monsoons.  The cool Rishikesh weather all year through makes this place an ideal destination for any time of year. The monsoon whoever should be avoided, since not much activities can be engaged in. the best and most ideal Rishikesh rafting season occurs in the month of September all the way to the month of April. The weather is not too hot or too cold at such seasons.

Map Information

Rishikesh is located at a district called Dehradun in Uttarakhand state of India. It is on the Northern India. It is a major municipal center. The tourist attraction center is located below the great Himalayan ranges.  It is at an altitude of approximately 1,300 feet above sea level.  The Rishikesh map shows that I is located around 230 kilometers from New Delhi. It is easily accessible through the major airports which include the Dehradun airport, the Delhi airport and the Jolly Grant airport. The major railways to Rishikesh include the Haridwar to Rishikesh railway route. There are well developed roads that lead one to this beautiful Indian town.  The map also displays the major attraction sites in Rishikesh. This is inclusive of the water rafting places, skiing sites, camp centers and wild safaris destination. The major pointed out attractions includes the Bharat Mandir, Gita Bhavan and Laxman. Others include the pilgrimage temples in Haridwar.

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